Borrowing money can feel like a last resort, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, when done wisely, a small loan can actually help you stay on top of your finances. The trick? Knowing when and how to use it. Here’s the lowdown on smart borrowing, whether you’re trying to get through the month or cover a surprise expense.
đź’Ž Tip #1: Only Borrow What You Need
Sounds obvious, right? But it’s easy to get caught up in the “might as well take a little extra” mindset. Remember, every rand you borrow is a rand you’ll need to pay back—so if you only need R300, don’t take R500.
đź’Ž Tip #2: Use It for Emergencies, Not Extras
New sneakers? Not an emergency. Your phone dying before a big assignment is due? That’s when a small loan makes sense. Keep borrowing for actual needs, like transport, food, or school supplies.
đź’Ž Tip #3: Have a Plan to Pay It Back
The worst thing you can do with a loan is ignore it. Make sure you have a plan to repay it, whether that’s from your next paycheck, side hustle cash, or cutting back on other expenses. Skoloto offers flexible repayment terms, but you still need to be mindful of your budget.
Borrowing isn’t bad—it’s about how and why you borrow. With the right strategy, a small loan from Skoloto can be the bridge between you and financial stability. Just keep it smart, and you’ll be good to go.